When someone says «tank top» I usually think of those thin sleeveless things. Not a warm winter vest. And «panties»? I think of something soft and frilly that girls «used to» wear under dresses. I had not seen the photo yet when I read the words, «Tank Top and panties for the cold season.» Can you imagine the picture I had in my mind? How could these types of clothes be for the «cold» season? THEN I saw the photo! Tee! Hee! Makes sense now, although I would call them a «Vest and Leggings». Perfect job.
These related things are correctly called — tank top and pants for the cold season.
They turned out to be very warm and soft. They warm well in the cold.
Yes. Yes. I know you have called them by their right names. I was trying to let you see what was in my mind Before I saw the photos. A girl in ruffled panties [diaper cover?] and a sleeveless dainty top. The picture in my mind was so, so, funny in comparison to reality. Nice work!
Большое спасибо за отзыв. Сначала связала безрукавку, т.к. дома холодно, пока не включат полное отопление. А уже потом пришла идея связать и штанишки. Сейчас из них сделала полукомбинезон. Получилось очень здорово. Осталось пришить аппликацию.
They turned out to be very warm and soft. They warm well in the cold.