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Здравствуйте, дорогие рукодельницы.
Связала из остатков пряжи от салатовой туники себе футболочку. Бобинная пряжа от Лоро Пиано, хлопок 80% + шёлк 20%, 400 м / 100 г. Вязала крючком Кловер 2,5.
Пробрало меня что-то на такую вещичку. Итог, в принципе, меня устроил, даже уже успела обновить. Фото, конечно, далеко не лучшего качества, но уж что есть, лучше вряд ли получится
Это фасад
А это попыталась сама себя сфоткать. Из нескольких попыток самая удачная, остальные ещё хуже, так что не обессудьте
At the top, the translator wrote, «The rows turned out to be all facial.»
In English this phrase has nothing to do with Crochet. Can you tell mw what you trying to say about the rows?
As for the front rows-everything is simple: since it was connected from above in circular rows (not turning!), all the rows turned out to be front and even.
I always fail with photos, I look like a photographer, like a pig on a ballerina
At least the translator claims that is what you wrote.
You look quite nice actually.
As for the YELLOW DRESS: The real problem is the Yoke. A lace pattern designed for thread needs many adjustments when one tries to convert it for using yarn. 24 times now I have had to rip out/dissolve at least 1 full row! Esh! Eshoo! But I'm tenacious / stubborn. I will Win!
As for learning Russian — I see a link for English, but… Hum…
I have trouble with Spanish and half my family speak it fluently as we live in an area where one of the JOB REQUIREMENTS is «Needs to know Spanish and English.» Notice that they put Spanish first!? We have so many Spanish speakers here a person Literally cannot get a job unless they are fluently Bi-lingual.
Yes, it is amazing that she lives in the same city I do and I am talking to you. However it is one of the larger cities of the world. I've never net some of my neighbors! Before C-19 they were all at work during the day. Now they stay indoors watching movies during the day. I sit outside and see Mr. Nobody! (But can hear 3 movies at a time! )
Best Wishes, Tracy