Well. Well. Well. So «someone» thinks that those models are overweight huh. Well I have news for them, 'Those' models are simply Not «Size 0»!
«I» am overweight, and although the Plaid outfit is pleasant I would look absolutely horrid in any fabric with a plaid type pattern on it. But then I 'm so overweight I look horrid anyway. Nice assortment of pictures though.
Try using a light weight yarn, and a 4.5 hook. Repeat the «X» shaped part of the scheme till it goes «loosely» around your waist. Then turn the work over so you see the «wrong» side. Now work the second «level» of «X» shapes over / above the first ones. Keep going till it is long enough to reach from your «waist» to your «underarm pits». Join it into a tube with a Crochet seam. [Why it looks like they did it this way is unknown. It can be done as a tube to begin with.] Do two more narrower pieces for the sleeves. In the hand-drawn diagram it shows to just «catch» each sleeve where needed. Just use a few «slip-stitches». Then make an «X» shaped repeat over ALL the other «X» shapes, including the ones of the sleeves. Make what «looks like to me» 2 more «X» rows. At the neck edge use «single crochet stitches» OR «double crochet stitches» evenly around for 1 round. Now shape as desired.
When this is translated it my not read well. But I tried.
«I» am overweight, and although the Plaid outfit is pleasant I would look absolutely horrid in any fabric with a plaid type pattern on it. But then I 'm so overweight I look horrid anyway. Nice assortment of pictures though.
When this is translated it my not read well. But I tried.