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2020-08-24 13:11:05

Now, do you all remember this scheme / diagram? Another person of this group of Needlewomen made herself a Lovely Blouse. She did so well, too! 

THE YELLOW DRESS and THE YOKEI know at least she remembers. Well, I tried to make the same one. Only I am using yarn, not thread.
THE YELLOW DRESS and THE YOKEClose up, it looked fine. Even further back...
THE YELLOW DRESS and THE YOKEit looked ok. [The photo looks funny. Hum...]
So, I tried it on.
THE YELLOW DRESS and THE YOKEAAARRRRGGGGHHHH !!! That "bump" you see there? It is NOT because I am holding up the camera!
Those are the s-a-m-e, same, same, 4 rows I mentioned before. Remember? The ones I said that I reworked, 8 times?
Well, I was sort of correct. There IS something wrong.
Only NOW, I realize it is Above those rows.
Delete it? Ah. No. Dissolve it? Oh bother.
Rip It Out!
Rip-it! Rip-it! Rip-it! I am doing the Frog Stitch again!
Wish me 'Good Luck'.
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2020-08-24 13:11:05
21 комментарий
2020-08-24 15:53:33
how are you doing on knitting this model? is it working? You have not gathered enough loops, so the yoke turned out to be small.
2020-08-25 07:33:35
Hi, I am going to «Rip it out» (desolve it) in about an hour from now. Yes. it is too long too soon. There are not enough loops. I followed the diagram for each section, but because I am using yarn, not thread, the stitches stretched longer much too fast. I need to add… hum… «something». I'll figure it out. Thank you. drink
2020-08-24 15:54:39
on the sleeves should go 2 flowers, on the front 4 and on the back 3
2020-08-25 07:37:22
Hi, This is like a «short cape» over the shoulders. So not exactly «sleeves». The dress part has «straps», this lays over the top. Thank you for your advice. drink
2020-08-25 09:11:37
I wish you good luck and hope to see you in your amazing yellow dress soon! rose
2020-08-25 14:27:14
Thank you, You are so kind. Best Wishes, Tracy
2020-08-25 14:59:44
Симпатичный жёлтый цвет! А что это за пряжа?
2020-08-29 05:01:30 (отредактировано)
Hi Lyudmila, Took me awhile get the label. It is a 4-ply baby yarn made in Turkey. It is called Feza Baby. It is 100% acrylic. (yuck) It is soft though. Each ball is 100 g. or 3.5 oz. and 290m or 319 yards. Label says, 10x10 cm is 23 s x 26 r.
Suggested Knitting needle size: Euro 5. Since i am Crocheting I chose a 3.25 mm hook.
The yarn is awful. But since I bought 9 balls @ $5.00 each, I decided to use it anyway. It splits. It splits a lot! I am rather oversized so The YELLOW DRESS is using all of it!
I had to go all the way back to the 4th row!
Then I thought it needed 31 leaves. Nope. 30. Took it out again.
Then I made a stupid mistake at row 7. I found it at the end of row 8. Notice I said at the end of the row. This means I made the mistake at the Beginning of row 7! Out comes 2 rows. wonder
Finally get to row 9. Guess what. It is «puckering», «bunching up». Out it comes, 2 rows, again. At least it was 2 different rows. After many other «things», the total times I have had to «Rip Out» at least 1 full row is 17.
But i will «conquer» this pattern! I am the Boss, not the pattern or yarn. I WILL «Win»! angel dance music laugh wink
2020-08-29 14:18:30
Спасибо вам за подробный ответ!!! Удачи вам!!! Пусть ваша работа закончится успешно!!!
2020-08-30 13:07:38 (отредактировано)
Hi Lyudmila, Just got to row 13. Now a «pucker» is showing itself in the area of row 10 !.
Awwwh darn… sad think eyes Arggg… No. It's cupping. Or is that the same thing? From row 10 it begins to curve upwards. Hum…
Ripping out 3 rows. Taking photo 1st so I will be able to compare. rose (Just talking to you. drink )
2020-08-30 14:00:39
Трудно что-то предлагать вслепую, то есть, не видя своими глазами, что и как. Возможно, что всё встанет на свои места при отпаривании…
2020-08-31 04:46:30
Hi again. Like I said. just talking. I am now on row 15. I ripped it out to row 5 because I missed ONE loop!
That, as you know, messes up everything! rofl
I have made many challenging Napkins. The problem is that the pattern is blurry. I am unable to even see if I should be using double crochet or triple crochet! So I have been using doubles. Oh. I think you call them «singles» as a person wraps the yarn around the hook once. We call these «double» because a person needs to pull the yarn through 2-loops, two-times. Whatever. wink drink
Альбина Ванина
2020-08-27 05:37:21
Просто супер, отлично.
2020-11-10 08:59:50
Добрый день! У вас получилось? Вы довязали платье?
2020-11-11 04:31:05
Hi Inga, Yes, I finished, but have been ill with serious tooth problems. This means delay in posting. Thank you for asking. I'm getting better slowly. drink
2020-11-11 07:58:22
I wish You not to get sick and we are waiting for a photo of the finished dress
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